The ISA Brown is recognized globally for its exceptional feed conversion, which makes it one of the most efficient, proven and profitable brown egg layers in the world. Producing high numbers of first quality eggs, per hen housed, the ISA Brown is a reliable and versatile layer with excellent feed conversion which adapts well to differing climates and housing systems. Optimal egg size, strong shells and great laying persistency also make the ISA Brown perfectly suitable for longer laying cycles.
Body Weight at 17 weeks: 1.450 – 1.550 gr.
Livability: 98%
Livability at 100 weeks: 94%
Days to 50% Production (from hatch): 140 days
Percent peak: 95-96%
Hen-Day Eggs to 100 weeks: 450-470
Body Weight at 100 weeks: 1.950-2.000 gr.
Egg weight at 100 weeks: 64.0-65.0 gr./egg
Shell strength: Excellent
The ISA Brown is recognized globally for its exceptional feed conversion, which makes it one of the most efficient, proven and profitable brown egg layers in the world. Producing high numbers of first quality eggs, per hen housed, the ISA Brown is a reliable and versatile layer with excellent feed conversion which adapts well to differing climates and housing systems. Optimal egg size, strong shells and great laying persistency also make the ISA Brown perfectly suitable for longer laying cycles.
Body Weight at 17 weeks: 1.450 – 1.550 gr.
Livability: 98%
Livability at 100 weeks: 94%
Days to 50% Production (from hatch): 140 days
Percent peak: 95-96%
Hen-Day Eggs to 100 weeks: 450-470
Body Weight at 100 weeks: 1.950-2.000 gr.
Egg weight at 100 weeks: 64.0-65.0 gr./egg
Shell strength: Excellent